Saturday, 25 June 2011


Yeah, I'm really, really unreliable blogger. -.-

DesuCon came and went... It was a blast.

Anyway, been very busy and I've still many things to do. This weekend, though, I've done absolutely nothing.

I've had friends over - five of them - and we've had too much fun, watching films, eating good food, and talking. And we even went to see the midsummer bonfire over at the harbour, although it'd been a rainy day, but luckily it didn't rain all the while we were out.

Now we're talking about BL (<3) and I've been crocheting amigurumis all day. ^_^

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Summer vacation.

For a week, anyway.

Had my last entrance exam this Monday. I'm so glad it's over for now. Next Monday I'll start work at the library, but that will only be fun.

So, what's happened since I came home from Cambridge?
Not very much to tell the truth... School's over and I know I'll miss the girls terribly. I'll miss the teacher's too!
My  brain feels like a wring-dried towel or a sponge... So, at the moment, I'm not very good at thinking. :P

Today I was going to lie in our back yard to get some sun, but it turns out a squirrel family has taken over the pavilion and I really don't want to get bitten by one of them. I mean, they're cute and all, but could they please move somewhere else! We can't even use the grill, 'cause the mother squirrel is stupid!
Idiot animal! If tomorrow is this warm and beautiful, I'll hit the beach. At least there I don't have to worry about small mammals chewing my toes off...

But I won't be going for a swim, because I've got my period right now... And it's really the most painful thing ever. They've never hurt this much before. First it was my back, I couldn't even walk properly and now it's my stomach and I think I should go lie down a bit. -.-